Baebeeboo Beespoke SS 18 collection: A shower that changed the kids wear scene.

Baebeeboo Beespoke SS 18 collection: A shower that changed the kids wear scene.

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I recalled vividly that I was taking a long shower after watching one of the functional wear that collaborated with Uniqlo episode and felt so inspired. Ideas started pouring out ferociously and I had to literally wrap myself up in a towel with hair still dripping wet and completely forgot that my air-con was blasting in the room and that was not good. Nevertheless I braved the cold and grabbed a pen and a paper, sat down and drew out every single ideas I had for these functional fun outfits for the kiddos before I went back to finish up my shower. Every thought and design was so clear to me it was just so strange! It was like a dream that you just woke up from and you still recall every single detail. Just like that, it took me a year to translate the ideas from paper to actual physical pieces. So much work, so much pain, so much investment went into each and every single piece of garment that I've create because of the love I have for each design. Every piece had to be perfect from fabric, to engineering the functionality to ensuring the design and aesthetic of each piece does not get compromised just because it's functional at the same time. And when I did research to see if these functional clothes were something you see in the market, I realised this idea of mine was pretty out there and no one seems to be doing functional wear for kids. I was stoked! 
The reason why I named this collection Beespoke was because this collection is purely designed by a parent for parents. It is almost like a bespoke wear for your children having everyone in mind.  I hope this collection will bring a little joy, fun and also ease for parents when it comes to meal and play times with their little ones. I have too shot a couple of demo films for each design to showcase how you can effectively use the garment for meal and play times and I hope all parents will enjoy this as much as I do with my little ones. 
I am super excited that I will be launching this collection at the Gallery & Co, at the National Gallery Singapore, 3rd March, 3-4pm. Do come by and for all customers who purchase our products during the event, you will get an additional 15% discount from all of our products! And after wards, mommies and daddies could just grab your snacks and coffee at the gallery and co cafe and head to the kids play area for some afternoon fun family time! Perfect date with your little baba. 
And of course not forgetting to remind you that for each piece of Beespoke garment you purchase, you will be supporting and providing shelter for a helpless child under our give back programme with New Light India, Operation Starfish from Kolkata, India. Buy a useful functional garment that looks chic and be part of doing something good for the society. 
Till next time, stay tuned.


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baebeeboo, beespoke, kidswear, kids wear, kid clothes, kids garment, Singapore, Singapore kids fashion, kids functional fashion, contemporary, social conscious, give back, cool kids wear, kids apparel, kids, fashion, children, children clothes, chic kids wear, chic, unique, innovative fashion, one of a kind, singaporean kids wear, singaporean brand, singaporean fashion, Zilingo, national gallery, gallery and co, orange, polka dot, teethers, toys, organic, organic toy, dress for play time, clothes for playtime

baebeeboo, beespoke, kidswear, kids wear, kid clothes, kids garment, Singapore, Singapore kids fashion, kids functional fashion, contemporary, social conscious, give back, cool kids wear, kids apparel, kids, fashion, children, children clothes, chic kids wear, chic, unique, innovative fashion, one of a kind, singaporean kids wear, singaporean brand, singaporean fashion, Zilingo, national gallery, gallery and co, skirt for play time, clothes for playtime,  Skirt with bibs,  bibs, transformation

baebeeboo, beespoke, kidswear, kids wear, kid clothes, kids garment, Singapore, Singapore kids fashion, kids functional fashion, contemporary, social conscious, give back, cool kids wear, kids apparel, kids, fashion, children, children clothes, chic kids wear, chic, unique, innovative fashion, one of a kind, singaporean kids wear, singaporean brand, singaporean fashion, cape dress, national gallery, gallery and co, cape, bib, tunic dress, colour blocking dress, kiddos, children




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    Сопутствующий орган (отвертки, стамески, пила, рулетка, строительный нож и прочее).
    Воеже изготовить [url=]стол с подсветкой[/url] из дерева своими руками, подбираем нужные ради этого материалы:

    4 кипарисовые alias сосновые доски размером 1500 х 150 х 40 мм. Эта древесина понадобится нам чтобы изготовления столешницы, которая довольно излучать свечение;
    металлические ножки;
    эпоксидная смола в двух пластиковых флаконах объемом сообразно 118 мл;
    пластиковые стаканчики – 6 шт.;
    флуоресцентный лекарство ради создания светового фона – 100 г;
    фанера или лист пластика – 600 х 1500 мм.
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    Доски соединяем шплинтами и склеиваем промеж собой. Щит стягиваем струбцинами прежде полного застывания клея.
    Боковые кромки столешницы обрабатываем рубанком и шлифуем.
    Торцы стола обрезаем электролобзиком около один уровень. Затем шлифуем их.
    Кипарисовое дерево имеет в своей структуре смоляные камеры. Их очищаем полукруглой стамеской, не нарушая природной формы.
    Полости продуваем пылесосом и сушим феном.
    Готовим эпоксидный наполнитель. Смешиваем смолу с отвердителем в одноразовых пластиковых стаканчиках. Туда же добавляем люминофор (на 100 г смолы расходуем 10 г порошка).
    Во избежание протечки смолы стол обклеиваем скотчем по периметру, снизу подкладываем куски фанеры тож пластика.
    Постоянно полости и трещины в столешнице заливаем флуоресцентной смесью. Оставляем древесный вещество в покое для сутки. За это дата раствор вовсе застынет.
    Всю вид обрабатываем шлифмашинкой до получения идеально гладкой плоскости.
    Столешницу покрываем 3 слоями мебельного лака.
    Формируем опорную раму из доски шириной 50 мм и более.
    Столешницу крепим к раме и устанавливаем ножки. В результате получаем оригинальный светящийся стол, сделанный из дерева своими руками.
    Особенности сборки столешницы из сосновой доски
    Разве возникают затруднения с приобретением кипарисовой доски, заменяем ее пиломатериалом из сосны. Для того воеже создать выемки на поверхности сосновой столешницы, применяем газовую горелку.

    Для досках горелкой выжигаем прогалины нужной формы. Конфигурация полостей зависит от фантазии мастера. Мы создаем вырубку для поверхности древесины в виде звездочек и различных геометрических фигур. Обожженная древесная вид эффектно подчеркивает рельеф структуры дерева, что придает столешнице дополнительную привлекательность.

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